Living Low Carb!
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Proud to be American!

What Is Low-Carb Living?

I started doing Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution (DANDR) in October 2000 and discovered how easy it was to lose weight by low-carbing.

I lost 16 lbs during my first two weeks (the Induction period) on this program. I'm happy to say even though it's been almost 4 years, I'm still lowcarbing and can claim that I've lost over 90 lbs and 6 pants sizes! I've gone from being a size 24 to where I can wear sizes 12 to 14! My goal is to weigh around 135, and hope to some day wear a size 8 to 10.

I enjoy foods that are rich in flavor. I eat meat, eggs, cheese, veggies, fruits, dairy, and fats. Unlike low-fat diets, I don't have to count calories. Instead, I count carbohydrates.

The average American on a low-fat diet consumes around 300 carbohydrates and 1000-1200 calories a day. In a low-carb diet, I have about 30-35 grams of carbohydrates a day, but my calories are a lot higher ... about 1800-2200 calories per day explaining why low-carbers don't feel like they are starving themselves thin!!!

I hope after looking through my site, you'll agree that by making a decision to change your eating habits to a life-style of low-carb food choices, you can lose all the weight you need to, and then maintain that weight loss for the rest of your life!

Don't forget to sign my Guestbook so I will know you were here!

229 lbs (June 2012)

Starting over ... again!

This month I will have been smoke free for 3 years ... a great accomplishment, but I've regained almost all the weight I lost!  A week ago I decided to get serious about weight loss and emptied my house of all the foods I shouldn't have and stocked up on those I can have.  I lost 4 lbs my first week ... that's a long ways from the 75 I want to lose, but I'm moving in the right direction!  Join me in my journey ...
